The Winter Solstice marks an auspicious day, when we begin to emerge from the darkness back into the light. On this shortest day of the year, that embodies the yin qualities of darkness, introspection and grounding, we can honor the pause as we celebrate the return of the light, growth and activity of yang.
In this 2 hour practice we will observe the balance between these two interconnected forces of yin and yang and explore these opposite yet complementary qualities using the breath, movement and stillness.
In the first hour we will cultivate heat and energy with a mindful slow moving vinyasa flow to build fire, transitioning to a meditative yin sequence to cool and ground body and mind. The workshop is suitable for all levels and will include pranayama and meditation.
In the beginning was the Tao
Which gave rise to yin and yang,
Sunlight and Shadow,
And the energy
Of all existence – Tao 42